Honour Roll


Chatham Ironmen Honour Roll 2014    

 Honour Roll

The Ironmen Honour Roll was established in 2006  to  honour players, coaches, managers  or builders  who have contributed to the Ironmen tradition. Over the years names have been added to the wall with a special ceremony , usually between games of a doubleheader.. Family and friends of the honourees are in attendance which makes it a day to remember. A committee was put together  to decide on honourees for each year. The first year saw three people have their names placed on the wall, Billy Daley and Cuffy McLaughlin as players and Joe Cook as coach and manager.         


Joe Cook  (2006)  ” From 1949-1989 , Joe was closely involved with the Chatham Ironmen: either as a coach, manager, president or team executive. As a coach, Joe led the Ironmen to 4 consecutive Miramichi Valley Baseball Championships . He led the Senior Ironmen to NB Championships in 1967 and 1968. It is said that Joe was the man most responsible for the building of the Ironmen Field in 1953 and the erection of the lights in 1974″-BNB Wall of Fame 2005

Richard ” Cuffy” McLaughlin- (2006) Cuffy’s playing career spanned over 20 years. During that time, he was recognized by baseball experts as the most natural hitter they had ever seen. He had the abilities to deliver key hits at the most critical time of the game, and had excellent hand-eye coordination. This individual had exceptional talents: he could wait on the pitch until the very last second and if he liked it, he would deliver a swing with accuracy and with the quickness of a true professional.” – BNB Wall Of Fame

1995 Senior Ironmen Stats     AB          R        H       D       T    HR     RBI   SB     AVE

1970-1984                               901      240       354     59       4    75      282   22     .380

Cuffy is the Ironmen all time home run leader with 75

Billy Daley

William “Bill” Daley (2006)  ” Bill was one of New Brunswick’s first players to play on a Canadian National team in 1973.He played for Canada in the World Amateur Championship. His determination to develop baseball to a national and international recognition is a tribute to his persistence. The accomplishment Billy will always be remembered for is his   58 consecutive games hitting streak” – BNB Wall Of Fame 1995

Senoir Ironmen Stats      AB       R     Hits       D        T     HR    RBI     SB   AVE

1971-1981                       1105    253     382       45      4      45     273    25    346

Art Leggatt ( 2006)  AKA Lamper  ” Over a 27 year career, Art demonstrated his athletic ability as a pitcher in intermediate, pro baseball at A and AA in the USA, and in the NB Senior League. Art’s success as a pitcher insures him a place in New Brunswick as one of the most gifted natural pitchers.  His love for the game and his unique character qualities gained him a level of respect from all who knew him on and off the field,  as he always will be one of the  ‘great boys of summer’ ” – BNB Hall of Fame 1994

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats      AB     R    Hits   D   T    HR   RBI   SB   AVE

1970-1982                                  855    128   232  38    0    13     137   13    271

Wally Jimmo (2006)  Wally  ventured to Chatham from to Escuminac and started his career with the Ironmen as a 15 year old in 1953. He had a very distinguished career  and was capable of playing multiple positions. However he is best know for his pitching prowess and using his brains along with his “stuff” he became a big game pitcher.  In 1976 Wally defeated Fredericton 4-2 at Ironmen Field with a two hitter in the deciding game of the provincial championships.

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats    IP       H        K      BB      ER      W      L      S     ERA       PCT

1970-1981                                455.2   464       308       172     186     39    16      0    2.86       .709

Tom Dunn (2007)  Tom was a driving force  as manager of the Ironmen in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Tom was a dependable and tireless force working on upgrading Ironmen Field and expanding the Ironmen program.

Ray Royce (2008) “Rolls” as he was called is considered to be  the greatest import to wear an Ironmen uniform.. He came to the Ironmen in 1974 and immediately led them to the Senior Championship. In the final series, Ray pitched all seven games against Fredericton including a 3-0  victory in Game 7.. Ray and his family are constant visitors to the Miramichi and the Ironmen to this day.

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats         IP         H        K       BB       ER     W      L    S     ERA    PCT

1974-76,1978-1981                        467.2         383      524      244      169    37      17      0     2.53    .685

Greg Morris  (2008)

Greg Morris

Greg Morris

” Greg coached teams to 8 ( Note: Editor’s Change) Provincial Championships., 4 Maritime Senior Championships, 10 Chatham Minor Championships, 1 Canadian National Senior Championship and 1 National Championship in the midget division. He also coached the NB Canada Games Team twice, and 2 NB Youth Teams. Also, he has the honour of being one of the two coaches to have been chosen to be a member of the Canadian National Senior Team Coaching  Staff.”  BNB Hall Of Fame 1996

Willie Jardine  (2009) A Chatham baseball legend, Willie is renowned as a great player and competitor. Among Willie’s attributes were his ability as a left-handed shortstop and as a baseball innovator. Willie coached minor baseball and the Senior Ironmen after he retired.

Ron Hardy (2009)    ” During his 22 seasons Ron was a career .hitter of .316.Other achievements include 3 Senior Championships, and he was medaled six times. He was selected as the tournament’s best catcher in 1995 when the Chatham Ironmen won the Senior National Championship. Ron was selected for Team Canada’s tryout camp in 1980 and 1981″ – BNB Hall OF Fame 2005

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats          AB      R        H    D    T    HR    RBI   SB   AVE

1977-2002                                       1346   297      425   54   3      3     162   51    .316

Ron is the all time Ironmen leader in Hits (425) and Runs (297)

Jason Dickson  (2010)  Jason is best known as the local boy who went all the way to the big leagues and was a member of the American League All-Star Team in 1997 . He starred for the Ironmen for 7 years and was the winning pitcher for Canada when they defeated the US to advance to the Gold Medal  game where they captured the World Junior  Baseball Champioship in Brandon Manitoba in 1991.

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats      IP       H       K   BB  ER    W   L    S    ERA    PCT

1993-94 ,2005-07, 2010-11            320   266       301   63  94    32   11   0     2.06    .744

Daryl Mathews (2010) “Daryl Mathew’s involvement with the Chatham Ironmen baseball team dates back you his year’s as a ball boy in the late 1960s. Eventually, Daryl became an assistant coach, with the team and, in 1991 he became General Manager , a post he has held for 24 (Editor’s Change) seasons.. During those years Daryl managed all aspects of Ironmen baseball: field renovations, fund raising , equipment needs, and transportation. Daryl’s ‘ efforts were an integral part of the Ironmen’s quest to be awarded the 1995 Canadian Senior Baseball Championship Tournament.” ” Daryl’s leadership has led to numerous upgardes to the field in preparation for the 2011 National Championship Tournament”  -Miramichi  Sports Wall Of Fame inductee 2011.

Richard Leggatt (2011)  “One of the most notable pitchers to leave our baseball rich province to play in the US is Richard Leggatt. His exploits of note began when he captured the Junior League Championship  with a .514 batting average. Afterwards he went 10-0 (Editor’s Note. This includes playoffs) with the Senior Ironmen before signing with the Pittsburgh Pirates 1n 1978. In addition, Richard coached Florida College 1i 2005.” – BNB Hall Of Fame 2006

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats    IP     H      K    BB   ER  W    L  S    ERA   PCT

1978, 1991,1994                        120   108     134   35   47   9     3  0   2.74   .750

Ken Cripps (2011) ” The commitment of Ken, in addition of being a dominant pitcher, hitter and outfielder, had a major influence  on all of the baseball programs operating in Chatham. He was the main force behind operation and formation of the Junior Program in the 1960’s. Other commitments included his being the first coach of the team he founded: the Intermediate Baseball Ironmen.”  BNB Hall Of Fame  1995

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats    AB      R    H    D   T    HR    RBI     SB    AVE

1970-1975                                191     42    57     9   1     13      43       4    .298

Ed MacDermaid (2012) Eddy was a leader and a permanent fixture on the great Ironmen teams of the 70’s. A great competitor, he batted lead off for those teams and was reputed to be one of the toughest outs in the league when the game was on the line. ” A tenacious, hard-nosed athlete who was a leader and the “heart and soul” of many an Ironmen team in both hockey and baseball”  Miramichi Sports Wall Of Fame 2006

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats     AB     R      H      D    T    HR    RBI    SB   AVE

1970-1975, 1977                        508    135      147    16     0     0       46     53   .289

Guy Sorel (2012) Called “Super” by his teammates.  “Guy was a brilliant baseball player with the Chatham Ironmen. He was one of NB’s top Senior players  for over eight years. In addition to his excellent abilities in hitting, fielding and throwing fundamentals, he was a member of many championship teams with the Chatham Ironmen of the 1970’s and 1980’s. In 1969 , he was a member of the starting lineup for Canada’s National Senior Team”. BNB Hall Of Fame  1997

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats        AB      R       H        D     T    HR    RBI    SB    AVE

1970-1984                                    1125    265      329        43      1     33    166     67     .292

David Godfrey (2013)  One of the best players to ever put on an Ironmen uniform. In 1996 he led the league in 6 offensive categories – Hits, Runs, Doubles, Home Runs, Runs Batted In and Stolen Bases. He was equally impressive with a 6-0 record, and an ERA of 2.67 and a WHIP of 1.16. He was selected to the all star team, chosen Top Pitcher and Most Valuable Player

. Senior Ironmen Batting Stats          AB      R       H      D      T      HR      RBI      SB      AVE

1992-2005                                          846    216   295    56       3       46      200     66     . 349

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats           IP     H       K       BB   ER    W     L     S    ERA     PCT

1992-2003                                          217   245      185     101   137   22    10    0     4.42    .687

Ken Martin (2013)  Marty joined the Ironmen in 1974. He played shortstop and third base and carried a huge offensive load as the Ironmen began their great streak in the 70’s. Marty displayed a strong throwing arm  and hit for average and power in the middle of the order during his Ironmen tenure. he was a fan and player favorite as he made a big contribution to the Ironmen success.

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats              AB      R        H      D    T     HR   RBI    SB    AVE

1974-1982                                             1030     175      317    40     0     28    165     17    308

Brian King (2014)  Known as Kingo in his playing days. ” Brian was an integral part in 5 Senior Championships and he medaled at 3 National Championships during that period.  He is remembered for his performance with the Canadian National Team in 1976,where he hit 2 home runs in a 6-5 win: As well, when he struck out 17 batters against team Alberta at the Junior National Championships”  – BNB Hall Of Fame 2005

Ironmen Senior Pitching Stats        IP    H          K     BB        ER    W    L    S   ERA       PCT

1970-1981                                      392   375         271   207         179   32   18    0     3.18     .640

Ironmen Senior Batting Stats        AB    R       H     D   T    HR   RBI   SB   AVE

1970-1981                                     394    59    101    14   1    15     72     1    .256

Marven McCarthy (2014)    Marven made a great contribution to the Ironmen in many ways. As team manager he became known as a man who took on many tasks effectively. The National Tournaments Marven chaired were very successful as viewed by the community and travelling teams. In addition to his Ironmen contribution, Marven has done much for minor sports in the community.

Eric Despres (2015) An Ironmen regular on the `95 National Championship Team,Eric`s finest hour was when he hit two home runs in our semi final win against Ontario. Eric, who broke in as a catcher and finished his career as a short stop, possessed great hands and a strong arm.

Eric began with the Ironmen as a 17 year old in 1982. He hit 348 in 1994 and in 1996 he hit 376

Primarily a lead off hitter, Eric scored 290 runs, drove in 162, hit 26 home runs and stole 56 bases in a great Ironmen career.

Ironmen senior Batting Stats           AB    R       H     D        T       HR    RBI   SB    AVE

1984  1985-2001                           1091    290     318    50       4        26     162    56     291

Terry Leggatt (2015)    Terry has been an Ironmen all his life. His 17 year playing career included a 1991 highlight year where he went 6-0 with a league leading 1.58 ERA. He threw a no hitter in 1992 and was a league all star in 1991 and 1997. Terry played or coached in 8 National Championships where he won bronze, silver and gold medals.

Twenty years ago this weekend, Terry pitched the exciting  4-3 comeback win over PEI on our way to Championship Sunday.

As much as any  player, Terry has contributed vastly to the Ironmen lore with his wit, his personality and his enjoyment of the game.

Ironmen Senior Pitching  Stats    IP         H      K     BB      ER    W    L    S    ERA

1989-2005                                 409.1     458   267  224    250   29   23   2    4.28

George Lloyd (2016) George’s involvement with Ironmen baseball dates back to 1970.He and Ken Cripps formed an executive to start the Junior Ironmen.. He was instrumental in the construction of the original Ironmen clubhouse, installation of lights (1974) and the first scoreboard (1993).

In 1989 he was one of the main driving forces in the re-birth of the Senior Ironmen serving on the executive ,being treasurer for many years, He provided excellent leadership to those volunteers who worked hard to revive the program.

Matt Jenkins (2016) Matt is one of the greatest players in Ironmen history .He played 17 years with the Ironmen and starred as a pitcher and shortstop while carrying a big bat. He has the most wins in Ironmen history with 58 and strikeouts with 711. Offensively he ranks in the top 10 of Ironmen offensive stats in 6 of 10  categories.

Matt batted 481 in 1999 and lead the league with 13 HR’s.

When the Ironmen hosted Nationals in 2011, Matt beat Windsor Ont.  2-1 in one of the greatest games ever played at Ironmen Field in front of 3000 fans.

Senior Ironmen Pitching Stats       IP      H       K     BB     ER   W     L     S    ERA   PCT

1995-2012                                   587.2  500   711   221   211   58   38   17   2.51    .604

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats    AB      R       H     D   T   HR   RBI   SB   AVE

1995-2012                               1130   262   368   58   3   55    233   27    326

Kevin Keith ( 2017) Kevin played for the Ironmen from 1978 to 1984. He is in the Top 10 in all 7 offensive categories for the team and finished with a 401 batting average. He holds the season record for average (504) and hits (57).

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats    AB     R   H     D  T  HR  RBI  SB  AVE                                                                                    1978-1984                              750  192 281  63  7  46  193   55  401

Dean (Dino) Gallant (2017) Dean finished his 8 year Ironmen career (94-01) with a 414 average, tops on the team. He is also ranked in the top 10 in three other categories.

Senior Ironmen Batting Stats   AB    R      H    D  T  HR  RBI  SB  Ave                                                                              1994-2001                              541  160  224  40  5   36  158   36  414

Mike Wood (2018)  “Spider’ was the Ironmen closer before the term came into effect. and off speed pitches ke[t opposing hitters off balance.. He is 6th in all time strikeouts and 5th in winning percentage for the Ironmen He was a stalwart performer  in 4 provincial championships in the1970′,s


IP       H      K      BB   ER   W    L   ERA                                                                                                                   385    439  274   130   189   21  10   3.43

Aron Merrill (2018)  A short but meteoric career saw Merrill set an Ironmen season  record with 9 wins  He led the league in wins and strikeouts in 1991 and  92


IP        H    K   BB   ER   W   L   ERA

170.2  146  178  51     58   16   6   2,38

Jon Saunders (2019) The  16 year veteran catcher, who was a team leader and compiled a lifetime 310 average with 56 home runs and is the only Ironmen with 300 RBI (301)  5 Time league all-star .League  Rookie Of The Year

Tom Burns (2022) Tom joined the Ironmen in 2005 and played for 8 years. In 3 of those years he batted over 400 and finished his Ironmen career with a 371 average. While a member of the Ironmen Tom was a ist team all star 6 times. In the 2011 playoffs, a championship year for the Ironmen, Tom batted 359 with 12 rbi

Walter McCarthy (2022)  Walter was a player from 1975 to 1989, head coach in 1990 and 1991 and later became team president until 2005  In his career he had 198 hits and 104 rbi plus 74 stolen bases which is 10th in league play. He was a key member of the 76,78 and 81 championship teams

JF Neveu (2023)  “Frankie” pitched for the Ironmen from 2006 through 2019.One of the best and most consistent pitchers in Ironmen lore .JF is second in pitching wins and strikeouts in Ironmen history. Top pitcher in the league in 2011 and 2014. All star 2011,2014 and 2016, 9 wins in playoff plus 3 wins at Nationals. 5th in the league all time in wins and strikeouts,